
Just a few hundred years ago, nearly everyone in the Western world was completely convinced that the Earth was at the center of the universe. Why? That is what they were taught to believe and that is the way the world looks and feels. Today, nearly everyone in the Western world believes that human beings are intelligent, individual entities. Why? That is what they were taught to believe and that is the way the world looks and feels. The lesson to be learned from our ancestors is that what may seem “obvious” to many is not always true. In order to develop a more effective understanding of ourselves and the world we live in, sometimes we need to look beyond the obvious…

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In my previous book, Human Beings are Idiots, I showed readers how our thought process is able to fool people into believing that they are much smarter than they actually are. I showed readers that our ideas and our concept of reality are one in the same. The net effect of this being that no matter how ignorant, short-sighted or self-serving an individual’s ideas about the world may be, those ideas will always appear to do an effective job at describing reality; thus fooling the individual into believing that their ideas represent the truth about the world we live in. In that book I briefly discussed the affect this has had on our beliefs regarding science, religion and economics. In this book I am going to focus solely on how the thought process has fooled many people, including professional economists, into believing very strongly in some economic ideas that are clearly not true.     #EconomistsAreMorons.

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