Monday, May 9, 2016

Those Jobs are Long Gone

In light of the current frenzy to “bring back good jobs to America”, I felt that it would be useful to help people understand why that will never happen. To see why I say that, you just need to recognize that there are no “good jobs” in China or Mexico to “bring back”. If you took the time to visit the workers in these countries you would see that they work long hours, in crappy conditions, with little to no benefits and for very low pay.

Because we do such a horrendous job at educating people on how the economy actually works, there are millions of people in this country who hold onto the ignorant delusion that by transporting these crappy, low paying jobs back to America, those jobs will magically transform into “good paying, middle class jobs”. How is this magical transformation supposed to occur? I have no earthly idea.

Maybe the Easter Bunny, Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy will combine their powers to turn them into “good jobs” for all the good little boys and girls. Or maybe if we gather enough four leaf clovers and wish real hard, then those jobs will miraculously transform.

Those “good paying, middle class jobs” didn’t leave this country; they vanished. They disappeared from the face of the earth. Now China and Mexico are full of crappy, low paying jobs just like America.

If you want to know why they disappeared, you probably just need to look in the mirror. It is the consumer’s irrational obsession with low prices that is destroying the middle class; not China or Mexico.

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